created?: OwnedObjectRef[]Optional
deleted?: SuiObjectRef[]Object Refs of objects now deleted (the old refs).
dependencies?: string[]The set of transaction digests this transaction depends on.
eventsThe digest of the events emitted during execution, can be None if the transaction does not emit any event.
The epoch when this transaction was executed.
The updated gas object reference. Have a dedicated field for convenient access. It's also included in mutated.
modifiedThe version that every modified (mutated or deleted) object had before it was modified by this transaction.
mutated?: OwnedObjectRef[]ObjectRef and owner of mutated objects, including gas object.
sharedThe object references of the shared objects used in this transaction. Empty if no shared objects were used.
The status of the execution
The transaction digest
unwrapped?: OwnedObjectRef[]ObjectRef and owner of objects that are unwrapped in this transaction. Unwrapped objects are objects that were wrapped into other objects in the past, and just got extracted out.
unwrappedObject refs of objects previously wrapped in other objects but now deleted.
wrapped?: SuiObjectRef[]Object refs of objects now wrapped in other objects.
ObjectRef and owner of new objects created.